Tuesday, December 4, 2012


I'm tired of using social media to peek into other people's lives.  There's something that feels uninviting about the world we're creating online.  Using pictures and statuses, we interact at the bare minimum, choosing what we want others to see.  I'm shifting my social media focus from the outside to the inside. Rather than perusing through people pictures, unintentionally comparing myself to others, I am making the choice to start blogging in hopes that I will find more satisfaction within than I have found from objectifying the lives others.  

Most of what will be found on this blog will have to do with the two things I love the most: Yoga and Politics.  I'm sure law school will sneak into some posts as well.  For the most part, however, I want this blog to reflect my growth as a yoga instructor and student.  I want to share the light, wisdom, and beauty I have found in both teaching and practicing as well as discover new ideas while sharing my own.  I'm sure some life wisdom, or lack-there-of, will surface occasionally.  


Equanimity: a state of even-minded openness that allows for a balanced, clear response to all situations, rather than a response borne of reactivity or emotion.

Shiva: the supreme reality/the inner self (sanskrit)