Tuesday, February 18, 2014


I don't look down on people who want to help themselves.  In fact, I try not to look down on anybody for any reason.

People are doing the best they can, with what they have, where they are, and that is all anybody can ever expect.  Sometimes we can do our best on our own, other times we need a little help & guidance.  Please don't judge yourself, or be hard on yourself for falling into the latter category.

I like to say, at least people who have been through therapy know how to some-what handle their problems, which has got to be better than running around throwing out negative vibes because you personally lack consciousness of how to cope with your emotions.  (Big Al calls this a personality problem)

Life is ups & downs, ebbs & flows.  There will be times of independence and times of dependence, times of joy and times of sorrow.  Roll with it, ask for help when you need it (especially in times of joy- we forget that sometimes, to ask for help in having a damn good time.  Anyone who needs help with that- I am in ha).

Keep in mind, asking for help doesn't make you weak.  Asking for helps means your strong enough to admit your own shortcomings, which in turn allows for greater improvement and growth.

Weakness is avoiding sensation out of comfort and habit.

Weakness is avoiding your true self to be less-stressed & numb in consciousness.

Weakness is stagnation, atrophy, and narrow-mindedness.

Weakness is feeding the beast of fear instead of feeding the power of your own divinity.

 I know this "own divinity" concept may not sit well with every Christian (God-fearing women are the bees knees right?) but that's because you immediately reject the idea I'm proposing without considering the implications.

God made man in his own image & yet gave us the power to have free will & be different.  Your heart beating is a gift-from-God-miracle and your free will is affirmation that God admired the unique and individual aspects of each soul.  We see this similarity/contradiction paradox throughout our human experience. For example, we all have thumbs (ideally- i know this is a blanket-overconclusive statement) but every person's finger print is slightly different.

We are similar for what makes us God-like (a body that is capable of life) & we are also similar for being unique (having our own characteristics and free will).  By embracing the things that make us different we become more unified.  Rather than striving to be a "perfect-person", our consciousness elevates to empathize with the notion that we are all perfect for precisely those things that make us feel imperfect.  If you're thinking "why should I want to improve myself/get healthier if we are all 'perfect'?" 1) I hope you get to a yoga class ASAP and 2) suffice it to say there is a reason enlightenment is not achieved by all and that reason usually happens to fill the space between a person's ears.

That's what makes this human experience so hard for some of us.  Contradiction feeds fear when we deny our own divinity.  (when we deny ourselves the honorable quest of good for goodness sake)

Maybe I'm jumping to conclusions I am unqualified to make, and if so, I apologize.  But Jesus Christ washed the feet of a prostitute and said he who has not sinned may cast the first stone.  I may not "glorify" every statement made in the bible, but I hold that one to be pretty damn true.  Jesus wasn't a hurt, angry, bitter man walking around spreading hurt and negative bullshit.  He was a healer, he was personally healed by the love of his father God (so internally/emotionally healed that he physically was able to give up the greatest sacrifice imaginable).  Jesus healed those who needed help and guidance, not through fire and force, but through love and empathy.

If you want to be sick, you will be.  If you want to be healthy, you will be.  Sure, it takes a little more time and consistency to "get healthy" but that's only because this world is so sick.

Rise above the ills of our life time.  

Observe the power your words- the language you use in your head and out of your mouth is shaping the life you create for yourself.  Be intentional with your words.  (Instead of "I'll never be able to do [x]" say "I acknowledge my inability to get there at this moment, but with patience and consistency I know I have what it takes to do [x]".--Even if you're wrong, at least you'll be less of a pessimistic shit head right? ;)---)

God did not give you a heart beat and a voice so that you could wall yourself up in isolation and tell yourself how bad you suck.  You were given the gift of life to share life, not die faster.  

I LOVE you all :)  even you little pessimistic shit heads, we're all in this together.  I hope no one takes this way out of context.  I am not trying to make people marginalize around differences, but rather Embrace the Yin & the Yang. We are all doing the best we can.  :)

Embrace your divinity, don't deny it.     #namaste

For anyone who is interested in reading further into the brain's ability to cope, I recommend the following article-

It's not all superstition and sanskrit, there is science out there to support the Yoking of Mind/Body/Spirit which we call Yoga & Meditation.  (Yoga moves us out of body consciousness into awareness necessary for a healthy meditation practice.)


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