Sunday, February 2, 2014

The Present, A Gift

(found this in a hidden place in my email :) from 7/30/2012)

I used to walk outside in a trance,
Mindlessly raising my hand above my eyes.
I'd ask the sun with a burn of resent,
Why it had to shine so bright?

I never took the time to see,
The life that was actually developing around me,
With cuffed wrists and a blindfold of Guilt,
I allowed my self to be imprisoned by Me. 

Strangled  by chains of Expectation,
Allowing others to orchestrate My motivations,
It's a miracle I broke the Iron Grip of Fear,
That So desperately attached me to hesitation. . .

My mind's jail break is just a reminder,
An incentive  for self-reflecting,
A Moment to come back down to earth,
And forget what is worth Forgetting.

With my eyes finally wide to what matters,
And a newly designed path all my own.
Leaping off the plank of everyone else's idea of Right,
Sinking head first into the ocean alone...

To my greatest surprise,
And unexpected jubilation.
I was carried to shore by waves of clarity,
My heart's tide shifted in motivation.

There is no necessity in regret,
Even the times I wish I could, but Can Never forget.
I wouldn't trade a single mistake,
For the compassion & empathy my mishaps led me to get.

The escape from my own anxious darkness,
Has afforded me the ability to welcome the light;
Releasing the Fist of unnecessary judgment,
Facilitating a recapture of My Own Right.

I would give every possession I own and more,
To spread this peace within.
Awaken another soul to what we too often miss out on,
Spread this gift of enlightenment to a friend.

The freedom of living in The Moment,
Is worth a trillion at the Very least.
As is the Acceptance of The Present,
which gives judgement and pressure the chance to Cease. 

Letting go of all plans,
And Understanding that right now is really all we've got,
Being present is the most precious Gift in this world,
one that could never be wrapped in a box.

Give yourself what you deserve,
and begin to try and see,
Right here and Right now,
is ALL you will ever REALLY need.

Lovingly detach from yesterday, 
Let go of fear of what tomorrow may bring.
Live to experience all This Moment has to offer,
Be generous with love and when necessary, let it be. 

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